Articles & Recipes
Yoghurt Cheese
Recipe from Living in the 21st Century with Diabetes
1 cup non fat natural yoghurt (250g)
· Take a 40cm x 20cm piece of cheese cloth, fold in half and place on a dish.
· Pour 1 cup of yoghurt on top and tie up with a rubber band.
· Hang and leave to drip in the kitchen for 4, 6 or 8 hours. The longer it hangs the more firm.
Serves : 6
Quantity per Serve : 1 tablespoon
Nutrients per Serve :
KJ 93, Calories 22, Carbohydrates(grams) 2.4, Fat(grams) 0.08
Uses :Yoghurt Cheese may be spread instead of butter or margarine on bread or rolls. It may be used as the basis of a dip. Combine it with capers and fill Smoked Salmon Horns for something special. Store in refrigerator on kitchen paper in sealed conta
Gluten Free, Egg free, Vegetarian