Articles & Recipes
Mango Salsa
This is low fat and kilojoules.
1 ½ cups finely chopped mango (1-med-250grams prepared)
1 large finely chopped Roma tomato (100grams)
1 finely chopped Lebanese cucumber with skin (100 grams)
2 tabsp finely chopped Spanish onion (30 grams)
1 tabsp finely chopped fresh coriander (5 grams)
1 tabsp natural low fat yoghurt (20 grams)
Finely chop mango, tomato, cucumber, onion and coriander.
Toss with yoghurt and then refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow flavours to blend’
Serve with chicken, fish or mixed grilled.
Serves : 8
Quantity per Serve : 1/3 cup
Nutrients per Serve :
KJ 142, Calories 34, Carbohydrates(grams) 7.2, Fat(grams) 0.2, Protein(grams) 0.9
Gluten Free, Egg Free, Vegetarian