Cooking and Eating for One
Just because you only have yourself to feed, does not mean it is ok to live off frozen meals and takeaway foods. Cooking for yourself is not only the most nutritious option, it means that you can cook whatever you like whenever you like, and the leftovers are all yours!
It is true, that when you only have yourself to feed that the easy way out, such as frozen meals, can often be tempting. However, nothing beats fresh home cooked food and by planning ahead you can help maintain variety and nutrition and prevent boredom.
This particularly applies to the main meal of the day, most likely the evening meal. Planning meals ahead allows you to save time, shop wisely and pre-prepare for busier times. Food can also be combined in more than one meal so that some ingredients are used across the week.
When planning your weekly menu, think easy but still tasty and nutritious. Try and vary the protein (meat, fish, legumes, cheese) and carbohydrate (rice, pasta, potato, bread, cous cous) each day. Always include vegetables.
Plan to prepare at least 2 grilled protein meals per week, such as grilled fish, chicken or steak with vegetables. Plan these for days where you may have a little more time. On the other days, prepare meals that you can make in bulk and use for consecutive nights, or take for lunches to work. Meals such as stir fries, casseroles and pasta dishes are perfect for this.
To get you started we have prepared 4 weeks worth of dinner menus with shopping lists included. You will find them in the Menu Planning section of our website.
Meat Sauce : A tasty tomato based meat sauce which can be used in Spaghetti Bolognaise, Lasagne, as a pizza base or added to kidney beans with chillies for Chilli Con Carne.
Added to site on : Monday, 7 February 2011